Journal History
Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa was first published in 2012 with volume one number one and number two, then in 2013 there was a mistake where the number two did not exist, there was only number one and number three, meaning that here number three is a substitute for number two, and there was a mistake in the volume as well which should only be volume two but here it was made volume one and two. In 2014, only one issue was published, namely volume three number one. Gorga Jurnal Seni Rupa experienced a publishing vacuum in 2015, in 2016 in volume five Gorga Jurnal Seni Rupa already experienced publishing consistency starting from number one to number two, in 2017 to 2018 Gorga Jurnal Seni Rupa could already be published consistently, namely in volumes six and seven with consistent numbers one and two in each volume.