Author Guidelines

1). Papers/Articles can be in the form of research results or conceptual writings.

2). Papers / Articles are typed using MS Word with a total number of pages not exceeding 17 sheets with A4- single-sided paper format, 1.15 spaces, 2 columns, upper (2.5 cm), lower (2 cm), left (2.5 cm) and right (2 cm) margins.

3). The font used is Time New Roman 10 pts (8 pts for figures and tables.

4). The material in the paper includes Title, Abstract, Author's Name, Section Title, Institution, Introduction, Theoretical Review, Research Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and Suggestions, List of References, and Appendix (if any).

5). There is no need to number each section of the content.

6). Papers/Articles can be written in Indonesian.

7). The abstract is written in Indonesian and English with a maximum word count of 300 words.

8). Writing the title of figures and tables using center alignment at the bottom of the figure and numbered, the top of the table and numbered.

9). The font size of the table should be smaller than the font size of the content, which is 8 pts.

10). The font size of the image caption is 8 pts.

11). Papers/Articles should be sent to the editor of Gorga: Journal of Fine Arts, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan at the latest 1 month before publication.