
  • Yohana Agatha Kembaren Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Gamal Kartono Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Mesra Mesra Universitas Negeri Medan



AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk, mendeskripsikan dan menginterpretasikan hasil karya poster peserta didik kelas XII IPS SMA Negeri 1 Kabanjahe, yang ditinjau berdasarkan unity (kesatuan), layout (tata letak), tipografi, dan warna. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 24 karya  poster peserta didik dengan sampel berjumlah 3 karya (12,5% dari total populasi) dan teknik yang digunakan adalah  purposive sample. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara mengetahui hasil validasi yang dilakukan validator, kemudian hasil validasi dianalisis berdasarkan kategorisasi yang berkaitan dengan objek yang  diteliti yang meliputi kesatuan (unity), tata letak (layout), tipografi, dan warna. Dari total 24 karya peserta didik, karya no 5 memperoleh nilai tertinggi (94) ,nilai sedang dengan kategori baik karya no 17 (89) dan no 22 kategori baik dengan nilai terendah (86,5). Sebanyak 11 karya (46%) memperoleh predikat sangat baik (A) dan sebanyak 13 karya (54%) memperoleh predikat baik (B). Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh kesimpulan hasil bahwa nilai pada aspek unity (kesatuan), didapat rerata berjumlah 89, 25, untuk layout (tata letak), dengan nilai rerata 89,41, tipografi  dengan nilai rerata 88,29, dan warna dengan  nilai rerata 88,95. Secara umum rerata untuk empat kategori dapat dinterpretasikan  berkualitas baik.  Kata Kunci: poster, kesatuan, tata letak, tipograi.AbstractThe research aims is to describe and interpret the posters work of the 12th social grade students  (XII SOS 1)  Public Senior High School 1 Kabanjahe (SMA Negeri 1 Kabanjahe) , which are reviewed based on unity, layout, typography, and color. The population in this study amounted to 24 poster works by students with 3 sample works (12.5% of the total population) The technique used in this research is purposive sample . Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods by knowing the results of the validation conducted by the validator, then analyzing the results of the validation based on the categorization relating to the object under study which includes unity, layout, typography, and color, then the results of the validation were analyzed based on the categorization relating to the object under study which included unity, layout, typography, and color. From a total of  24 works of students, work No. 5 received the highest score (94),  intermediate value which in  the good category work No.17 (89) and number 22 which  good category with the lowest score (86.5).  The Total  of 11 works (46%) received an excellent rating (A) and 13 works (54%) received a good rating (B).Based on the analysis, the conclusion of the research results shows that the value of the aspect of unity obtained an average of 89, 25, for the layout with an average value of 89.41, typography with a mean value of 88.29, and color with a mean value 88.95. In general, the results of the mean scores for the four categories can be interpreted as good quality. Keywords: poster, unity, layout, typography.




How to Cite

Kembaren, Y. A., Kartono, G., & Mesra, M. (2020). ANALISIS KARYA POSTER BERDASARKAN UNITY, LAYOUT, TIPOGRAFI, DAN WARNA. Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa, 9(1), 121–126.



Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa