The effectiveness of analytical chemistry problem based learning model on student learning outcomes




This study aims to get a value of the effectiveness of students in learning analytical chemistry. The subjects carried out in this study were 30 Tanjungbalai Polytechnic students. The method used is to analyze the pre-test and post-test as well as data on the frequency distribution of the G factor. From the results of the study it can be concluded as follows 1). The value of the pre-test results showed that out of 30 students there was 1 person (3.33%) with the highest score with a score of 74. For 29 people (97.67%) were declared not to have passed because the score was below 74. 2). The standard deviation value is 6.33 with a variance of 40.110. 3). the posttest score of 5 people with the highest score of 90 with a percentage of 16.67%, and 83.33% showed a score below 90 and passed the PBL Chemistry Analysis lesson. The conclusion from the results of the increased learning outcomes in the analytical chemistry course was obtained that the g factor value was 0.56 in the moderate category and a percentage of 56.16% in the quite effective category.Keywords: Analytical chemistry; Learning improvement results; PBL model; Learning outcomes

Author Biographies

Marnida Yusfiani, Polytechnic of Tanjungbalai, Tanjungbalai 21345, Indonesia

Technology of Processing Fishery Product

Ahyani Ridhayani Lubis, Polytechnic of Tanjungbalai, Tanjungbalai 21345, Indonesia

Technology of Processing Fishery Product

Fuadaturrahmah Fuadaturrahmah, Akademi Maritim Belawan Medan (AMB), Medan 20124, Indonesia

Nautics Study Program

Mei Salwa Siregar, Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 7 Tanjungbalai 21344, Indonesia

Chemistry Teacher


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