Appeals and Complain
Authors have the right to appeal a decision on their submission to a journal published by JKSS if they believe that the decision is unfair. To appeal the decision, please submit a letter detailing the nature of the appeal and indicating why the decision is considered unfair.
The Editor-in-Chief will review all relevant documentation relating to the submission, may consult with the relevant Associate Editor or Reviewer and may appoint a new Reviewer to evaluate the submission before making a decision. The decision of the Editor-in-Chief is final.
For complaints relating to JKSS policies and procedures or the behavior of editorial staff, please send details of the complaint via email to the Editor-in-Chief or to the publisher, Lembaga Penalaran Penelitian Universitas Negeri Medan. All complaints addressed through the correct channels will be considered and a resolution will be communicated to the complainant. Complaints will be resolved as quickly as possible.