Mapping of Land Surface Deformation Using Ps-Insar for Disaster Risk Management in the Future
DKI Jakarta is experiencing land subsidence due to overexploitation of its use and the increasing population. It is feared that this decline or deformation will occur in the location of the new national capital. The research objective is "Mapping of Land Surface Deformation using PS-InSAR for Disaster Risk Management in the Future." Quantitative and qualitative research and data collection methods use secondary and primary data. Secondary data in the form of Permanent Scatterers Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (PS-InSAR) Sentinel-1A images to determine soil deformation. Primary data uses a questionnaire to assess disaster risk management. Data analysis uses spatial and statistical analysis. Spatial analysis for land deformation mapping and statistical analysis for risk management. The results showed that the pattern of land deformation before the determination of the location of the capital city of Indonesia was random. On the other hand, after decision-making, it appears to be more systematic and homogeneous in adjacent areas with a decreasing range of about 5 cm per year. Other findings show that disaster risk management carried out by several agencies, especially the problem of land deformation in East Kalimantan, is still far from expectations and very minimal. The findings can be used for future disaster risk management to minimize negative impacts and reduce disaster risk.Keywords: PS-INSAR; Land Deformation; Capital City; Disaster Risk ManagementReferences
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