Agriculture plays an essential role in national economic development. This fact made agricultural land one of the main unique production factors irreplaceable due to its importance in the agricultural business processes. However, a persistent problem of arable land conversion and land degradation have become more massive throughout the years. Meanwhile, the continuation of existing agricultural land and transformation into new agricultural land is inherently small. This research aimed to map agricultural land in sustainable agricultural development. Several transformative vegetation indices: NDVI, SAVI, and TSAVI, applied SPOT 6/7 satellite imagery in Lampung Province. Results show that the TSAVI value is the highest, with a 1.80 value, which indicates that this index value is very dense vegetation. Meanwhile, the NDVI index, which has a minimum value of -1.02, suggests that this index value is a non-vegetation object. However, high or low value does not indicate the rigorousness and Accuracy of an index. All three indices™ results are then overlaid with the satellite imagery classification process result. The accuracy result shows that the agricultural land has a maximum of 100% producer accuracy while the user accuracy value is 87.87%. Overall, for NDVI, the Accuracy was valued at 90.25%, which could be classified as a reasonable classification result. SAVI has a PA value of 97.85%, UA 85.20% and OA 86.63%, while the TSAVI Index has a PA value of 98.23%, UA 86.16% and OA 87.63%. This accuracy value indicates that the map has good results but judging from the magnitude of the highest accuracy value obtained from NDVI, it can be concluded that NDVI is the best index to determine paddy fieldsKeywords: Agricultural Land, SPOT 6/7, NDVI, SAVI, TSAVI.References
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