About the Journal

ISSN : 2502-7131 (Cetak)  | ISSN : 2502-714X (Online) 

CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering, System and Science) is an open access media in publishing scientific articles that contain the results of research in information technology and computers. Paper that enters this journal will be checked for plagiarism and peer-rewiew first to maintain its quality. This journal is published by UPT. TIK Universitas Negeri Medan published 2 times a year in January and July. The existence of this journal is expected to develop research and make a real contribution in improving research resources in the field of information technology and computers.

CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering, System and Science) accredited SINTA 4 through the Decree of the Director General of Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 105/E/KPT/2022, dated April 07, 2022 concerning the results of the Electronic Scientific Periodic Accreditation Period I Year 2022. The accreditation certificate can be seen HERE.

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