Between Desire and Anxiety: Music Performances during The COVID-19 Period In West Sumatera


  • Asril Asril ISI Padang Panjang
  • Adjuoktoza Rovylendes ISI Padang Panjang



Desire, Anxiety, Musical Performances, Covid-19, Virtual Performances.


This article discusses the desire and anxiety of mutual attraction experienced by traditional and popular artists in West Sumatra during the COVID-19 pandemic. Musicians in tradition and entertainment who rely on the survival of music performance services are under heavy pressure by the COVID-19 pandemic situation because performances are rarely performed, even banned. Musicians committed to the creative field of creation experience the same thing. Live music performances are considered to be the cause of the gathering of many people, which results in being vulnerable to the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. However, they still channel the desire to perform live with the risk of getting in the way. Some are creative, using digital internet technology and social media to perform virtually. The research method used in collecting data is a mixture of field and virtual research. The tug-of-war between desire and anxiety is realized through live and virtual performances with non-maximal results. Music performances in the context of traditional music, composition, festivals, and entertainment during the COVID-19 period in West Sumatra are in the range between hope and fear in an incomparable dynamic of balance; they tend to be afraid rather than do it. Anxiety still haunts activists and event managers of musical performances.


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Asro Sikumbang (27 years), employee of the Cultural Service for the Province of Sumatra, initiator of Bagurau Owek-owek and Minang Bagurau Mendunia performance via social media, lives in Padang, interview, 10 October 2020, 12 November 2021, 27 March 2022.

Firdaus (57 years), lecturer, salawaik dulang artist, lives in Duku, Kasang Padang Pariaman, interview, 5 October 2020.

Herius Nasir, (65 years) the founder of the gamad and popular music group in Padang City, lives in Padang, interview 10-11 November 2021.

Joni Andra (48 years), choreographer, leader of the Impessa Dance Company, initiator and guide of Minang Bagurau Mendunia performance, lives in Padang, interview March 2022.

M. Ali Hanafiah (74 years) coach, elder of gamad music, lives in Padang, interview 10-11 November 2021.

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Yunaidi, (54 years), lecturer, music observer, and music composition judge, lives in Padang Panjang, interview 7 September 2020.




How to Cite

Asril, A., & Rovylendes, A. (2024). Between Desire and Anxiety: Music Performances during The COVID-19 Period In West Sumatera. Gondang: Jurnal Seni Dan Budaya, 8(1), 86–97.

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