The problem in this research is the teacher-centered learning that causes ability of low students™thinking. The purpose of this research is to know improvement of critical thinking ability, the learning independence of students using PBL. The type of research is quasi experiment with the population all of students SDN 067240 Medan Tembung and the sample in this study are the fourth grade students by taking two classes (experimental class and class control) of 50 students. The instrument used consists of critical thinking skills and learning independence scales. Data are analyzed by using two-way ANAVA test. Based on the results of the analysis are obtained: (1) The improvement of critical thinking skills of students who are given problem-based learning is higher than students who are given conventional learning; (2) There is no interaction between learning with students 'early math ability to improve students' critical thinking ability; (3) The increasing of the students in learning independence given problem based learning is higher than students who are given conventional learning. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that problem based learning can be used as an alternative for teachers to improve the ability of critical thinking of students and learning independence of students.