This study aimed to produce IPS theacing book of Simalungun local historical.The Research type was Research and Development in grade IV SD Negeri 091317 Pamatang Raya, SD Negeri 091341 Bintang Mariah, SD Negeri 091332 Raya Bayu, SD Negeri 095160 Sihubu. This research referred to research and development model of Sugiyono which in its implementation the research and test done to develop existing product. The sample in this research and development amounting to 102 students. The theacing book developed before being tested has met the eligibility criteria. The validation results of material expert (94.44% = excellent), linguist (95.31% = excellent), presentation expert (98.86% = excellent). The validation result of the figures (95%; 92.5%; 97.5% = excellent), and the validation results of practitioners as implementers of learning at the research places (92.5%; 95%; 90%; 92.5%; 97.5% = very good). Effective theacing book can improve students learning outcomes, based on pre-test and post-test result. The experiments conducted resulted in and increase in student learning outcomes and 90 students meeting the minimum mastery standard (KKM) or 88.24% completing the learning. The assessment of students learning outcomes based on pre-test and post-test was analyzed by using Gain. Based on the date, the average Gain score was 0.7 in high criteria.