E-book, Buku, Pendidikan 4.0, Transformasi Digital, COVID-19Abstract
Abstrak: Revolusi Industri 4.0 melatarbelakangi kemunculan Pendidikan 4.0 sebagai wujud transformasi pendidikan ke arah digital. Pendidikan 4.0 diharapkan diharapkan bisa menutup celah ketertinggalan metode pendidikan di Indonesia, termasuk pada tingkat pendidikan tinggi (higher education). Pemanfaatan teknologi digital terutama pada era COVID-19, mengubah sarana bahan ajar akademik kepada salah satu alternatif baru yakni e-book. Fokus masalah yakni ada pada bagaimana e-book sebagai wujud digitalisasi buku digunakan dalam sistem pendidikan 4.0 di tingkat pendidikan tinggi, terutama pada masa pandemi. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif dan tinjauan literatur, studi ini juga bertujuan untuk mengungkap digitalisasi, peran, manfaat, dan masa depan e-book yang memotivasi penggunaannya dalam sistem pendidikan 4.0 di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pendidikan 4.0 di Indonesia berhasil mendorong diterapkannya metode pembelajaran baru, dan penggunaan e-book menjadi urgensi terutama pada masa pandemi dalam menerapkan metode pembelajaran baru dan mengatasi keterbatasan akses belajar. E-book juga memiliki manfaat dalam meningkatkan pengalaman dan kompetensi belajar, serta mendorong kinerja perpustakaan institusi pendidikan tinggi. E-book juga memiliki keunggulan dalam hal kemudahan penggunan (ease of use), hemat biaya (cost), dan mudah dibawa-bawa (portability). Di masa depan, e-book sebagai buku yang terdigitalisasi diharapkan dapat diakses dengan lebih mudah, dapat diintegrasikan dengan teknologi digital lain, serta perpustakaan dapat memfasilitasi penggunaannya secara maksimal. Kata Kunci: E-book, Buku, Pendidikan 4.0, Transformasi Digital, COVID-19. Abstract: The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the background for the emergence of Education 4.0 as a form of transformation of education towards digital. Education 4.0 is expected to be able to close the gap in the backwardness of educational methods in Indonesia, including at the higher education level. The use of digital technology, especially in the COVID-19 era, has changed academic learning facilities to one of the new alternatives, namely e-books. The focus of the problem is how e-books as a form of digitizing books are used in the 4.0 education system at the higher education level, especially during the pandemic. Through qualitative approach and literature review, this study also aims to reveal digitalization, the role, benefits, and future of e-books that motivate use in the 4.0 education system in Indonesia. The result of the study shows that the 4.0 education system in Indonesia has succeeded in encouraging the application of new learning methods, and the use of e-books has become an urgency, especially during the pandemic in implementing new learning methods and overcoming limited access to learning. E-books also have benefits in improving learning experiences and competencies, as well as encouraging the performance of higher education institutions' libraries. E-books also have advantages in terms of ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and portability. In the future, e-books as digitalized books are expected to be more easily accessible, can be integrated with other digital technologies, and can facilitate their maximum use. Keywords: E-books, Books, Education 4.0, Digital Transformation, COVID-19.References
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