Die Erstellung Eines Lernmediums zur Steigerung der deutschen Lesefähigkeit auf dem Niveau A1 basierend auf Canva For Education
AbstractThe Study aims to create a learning medium to increase German reading ability at level A1 based on Canva For Education. In this study, the ADDIE creation model ist applied. Der process of creation consists of explaining the phases of creation model ADDIE. These include (i) analysis, (ii) design, (iii) development, (iv) implementation and (v) evaluation. The dates of this investigation are the twelve subjects that are in the book Studio Express A1. The data source of this study are the German books level A1, Schritte Lesetexte, and the Internet. The result of this research is a digital book that can be found in the learning medium canva for education. The digital book is very good because the book has new texts such as twelve topics from the book studio express A1 with various tasks and exercises.Downloads