Perbandingan Kinerja Mesin Sistem Konvensional dan Injeksi Menggunakan Generator sebagai Dinamometer


  • Safri Gunawan Universitas Negeri Medan



This research was conducted to obtain a comparison performance of conventional engines and electronic fuel injection (EFI). The purpose of this study was to compare fuel consumption, torque, and engine power between conventional engine systems (carburettor) and EFI systems. The method used in this research is to make testbeds. The research data produced include electric voltage, electric current, engine speed (rpm), and fuel consumption (mÆ–). The machine loading test is carried out in stages every 60 seconds up to eleven times with a test load of 400 watts and the total test load is 4400watt. Based on the research that has been done, the fuel consumption of the conventional engine system is more wasteful when compared to the EFI system. The resulting engine power and torque explains that the conventional system is lower than the EFI system, this is because the combustion process in the EFI system is close to stoichiometric combustion. The conclusion of this study shows that the EFI system is better than the conventional system.


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