Pengaruh dan Interaksi antara Konsentrasi Perekat dengan Suhu Kempa Terhadap Keteguhan Patah (Modulus of Rupture) Papan Partikel Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Perekat Asam Sitrat
Particleboard is one of the materials that has been widely applied to various fields, including in the automotive sector. In the automotive sector, particle board commonly used as a material in the manufacture of the vehicle panels. Particleboard usually made using sawdust residue as the filler for the particleboard, but nowadays, researchers tried to make particleboard using another material, such as using empty palm oil bunches (EFB) which are waste product from the palm oil production process in palm oil mills.Modulus of rupture (MOR) of the particleboard is requirements that must be fulfilled based on Indonesia standards as contained in SNI 03-2015-2006 regarding particleboard. The greater the value of MOR, means better particleboard quality produced. This study aims to determine the effect of adhesive concentration and compression temperature on the MOR particleboard made from EFB.Testing process carried out based on SNI 03-2015-2006 standard regarding particle board. The test results were then analyzed using a two-way ANOVA using α = 0,05 to find out the effect between the adhesive concentration and the compression temperature and the interaction between the adhesive concentration and the compression temperature on the MOR of the particle board. The result shown that the adhesive concentration had a significant effect on MOR with an F= 3.640. The temperature of the compression has a significant effect on the MOR with the value of F= 36.879. The interaction between adhesive concentration and compression temperature has a significant effect on MOR with the value of F = 4.764.Keywords: particleboard 1; adhesive concentration 2; compression temperature 3; modulus of rupture (MOR).References
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