Development of Problem-Based Number Theory Learning Tools
Development of Problem-Based Number Theory Learning Tools" in the 2022 FMIPA Unimed Mathematics Education Lecture. This research is the development of learning tools that aim to describe the development process that produces valid, practical, and effective number theory learning tools. Problem-Based Number Theory Learning developed by following the Four D's: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The trial of device development was carried out in the S1 Mathematics Education Study program in the Number Theory lecture. In the development of number theory lecture tools produce: Textbooks, and 14 Lesson Plans (LP) that are valid, practical and effective. The implementation process is carried out by preparing components of teaching materials for the Number Theory course in the form of: textbooks, LP which are carried out in the Number Theory course in 2022. In the implementation of disseminate applying limited Number Theory teaching materials produced: LP as many as 14 valid, practical and effective meetings to the Lecturer Team in the Department of Mathematics FMIPA Unimed.Keywords: Development Research, Problem Based Learning, Problem Solving, Learning Tools, Number Theory.References
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