Bibliometric analysis : Green chemistry trends and issues in chemistry education from 2019 to 2024




Bibliometric analysis, Green chemistry, Research trends, Scopus database


This study analyzes green chemistry research trends in chemistry education. This study used a quantitative bibliometric approach. The number of publications analyzed is 104 publication documents from 2019 “ 2024. This research collects, processes, and filters information in Scopus journals and articles. Metadata results show that the distribution of publication frequency peaked in 2019, with 26 documents identified. The green chemistry research area is dominated by chemistry research (31.3%). The country with the most documents and the most productive in publishing green chemistry is the United States, with 30 papers identified. At the same time, Indonesia is ranked fifth as the most productive country in publishing green chemistry, with 10 documents identified. Canada ranked second with 17 papers, and Germany ranked third with 15 documents. The institutions that contributed the most came from Germany: the University of Bremen, with 11 papers 10.58%, and the University of Toronto with 8 documents (7.69%). The authors with the most citations are Chen Tse-Lun et al., with 245 citations. Meanwhile, when viewed from the number of documents published by the author, Eilks I. has 11 papers with a contribution of 4.91%. There are 5 clusters with the most popping keywords: green chemistry, human, and chemical reaction. Research and publications on this topic have been sparse in the past five years. Surveys and analyses of green chemistry literature are essential because tracking research trends in green chemistry in chemistry education is vital to directing the future.

Author Biographies

Wanda Setya Hanifa, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Department of Chemistry Education

Sri Handayani, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Department of Chemistry Education

Suyanta Suyanta, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Department of Chemistry Education


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