models of learning, inquiry training, multimedia, motivation, learning outcomesAbstract
The objective in this research: (1) Determine a better learning model to improve learning outcomes physics students among learning model Inquiry Training based multimedia and Inquiry Training learning model. (2) Determine the level of motivation to learn in affects physics student learning outcomes. (3) Knowing the interactions between the model of learning and motivation in influencing student learning outcomes. This research is a quasi experimental. The population in this research was all students in class XI SMA Negeri 1 T.P Sunggal Semester I 2012/2013. The sample of this research was consisted of two classes with a sample of 70 peoples who are determined by purposive sampling, the IPA XI-2 as a class experiment using a model-based multimedia learning Training Inquiry as many as 35 peoples and XI IPA-3 as a control class using learning model Inquiry Training 35 peoples. Hypotheses were analyzed using the GLM at significant level of 0.05 using SPSS 17.0 for Windows. Based on data analysis and hypothesis testing conducted found that: (1) Training Inquiry-based multimedia learning model in improving student learning outcomes rather than learning model physics Inquiry Training. (2) The results of studying physics students who have high motivation to learn better than students who have a low learning motivation. (3) From this research there was an interaction between learning model inquiry-based multimedia training and motivation to study on learning outcomes of students.References
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