The Effectiveness Of Problem-Based Learning Approach In The Teaching Of Hang Style Long Jump


  • Octavianus Cahyanto Adhie SMK Negeri 1 Cangkringan



Effectiveness, Hang Style Long Jump Learning, Problem-Based Learning Approach


ABSTRACTThe learning improvement of physical education can be done through implementing learning approach which is suitable for 21st Century era. This research is a descriptive quantitative research which aims to describe the effectiveness of the hang style long jump learning using problem-based learning approach based on students™ learning outcomes and attitude in vocational high school context. The subject of the research were students of  X ATR 1 and X TKRO 1 students of SMKN 1 Cangkringan. The data were obtained from the result of observation sheets, learning outcome tests, and questionnaire of students™ attitudes towards learning. The result showed that hang style long jump learning using problem-based learning approach was effective based on students™ learning outcomes and learning attitudes. The passing students reached 100% for X ATR 1 students and 80,65% for X TKRO 1 students.  The students™ learning attitudes towards physical education subject in the category of minimum more than 80% high were 100% for X ATR 1 students and 90.32% for X TKRO 1 students.


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