
  • Faldo Renata Hia Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Eidi Sihombing Universitas Negeri Medan



Problem based learning model, Learning result, Activity.


The aim of research is to know the effect of problem based learning model on student™s learning in the subject of dynamic electricity in X SMA Negeri 15 Medan A.Y. 2015/2016. The type of experiment is quasi-experimental using two group pretest-posttest design. The population is all the student X grade of SMA Negeri 15 Medan consists of 10 classes. The samples of the experiment were taken from 2 classes that determined with cluster random sampling technique, with the class X-7 as the experiment class and class X-1 as control class. The instruments that used is learning test result in essay with 10 questions that have been validated and the student™s learning observation activities sheet. To test the hypothesis used regression test with y = -0,162x + 69,32 and R² = 0,043 with the result that R = 0,207 with the  percentage increase 20,7%, after the prerequisite test is done, that is normality test and homogeneity test. The experiment results showed: (1) the problem based learning model can improve student™s learning activities and (2) there is the effect of problem based learning model on students™ learning outcomes in the subject matter dynamic electricity in class X SMA Negeri 15 Medan 2015/2016.

Author Biographies

Faldo Renata Hia, Universitas Negeri Medan

Pendidikan Fisika

Eidi Sihombing, Universitas Negeri Medan

Pendidikan Fisika


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