
  • Muhammad Abdillah Pikri Universitas Negeri Medan
  • wawan Bunawa Universitas Negeri Medan




Assessment of learning outcomes, 2013 curriculum, physics learning


This study aims to determine the implementation of the assessment of physics learning outcomes based on the 2013 curriculum which includes aspects of planning, implementation and reporting. This type of research is descriptive. The subjects in this study were 12 high school physics teachers in the city of Medan who used the 2013 Curriculum. The subjects were taken using the stratified random sampling method, the researcher divided the Medan city into 3 regions, namely the northern part, the central part, and the southern part. The data collection technique in this study was carried out using a questionnaire or a questionnaire totaling 30 questions, with a score range of 1 - 4. Based on the results of questionnaire data on 12 physics teachers, the implementation level of the overall physics learning outcome assessment 75% was in the Good category. In the planning aspect, the implementation level of the assessment of learning outcomes based on the 2013 curriculum is 66,7% in the very good category, then the implementation aspect is 66,7% in the good category and the reporting aspect is 50% in the fairly good category.  


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