
  • Devi Safitri State University of Medan
  • Juru Bahasa Sinuraya Universitas Negeri Medan



fluida dinamis, inkuiri terbimbing, pengembangan LKPD, simulasi PhET


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan LKPD berbasis inkuiri terbimbing berbantuan simulasi PhET untuk digunakan dalam  proses pembelajaran Fluida Dinamis berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli dan hasil uji coba LKPD. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui pemberian angket dan lembar penilaian yang dianalisis menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh validasi ahli materi sebesar 95,5%, ahli pembelajaran 90,63%, penilaian guru fisika sebesar 95,84% dengan masing-masing persentase tersebut termasuk dalam kriteria sangat baik. Hasil uji  coba LKPD diperoleh keterampilan inkuiri siswa sebesar 79,24% dalam kriteria baik dan nilai rata-rata siswa 79,3 termasuk dalam kriteria tuntas. Berdasarkan hasil validasi, penilaian guru fisika dan hasil uji coba LKPD dapat disimpulkan LKPD fisika berbasis inkuiri terbimbing berbantuan simulasi PhET layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran Fluida Dinamis.AbstracThis study aims to determine the feasibility of guided inquiry-based LKPD assisted by PhET simulation to be used in the Dynamic Fluid learning process based on the results of expert validation and the results of LKPD trials. The research data was obtained through giving questionnaires and assessment sheets which were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive techniques. From the results of data analysis obtained material expert validation of 95,5%, learning experts 90,63%, physics teacher assessment of 95,84% with each percentage included in the very good criteria . The results of the LKPD trial obtained student inquiry skills by 79,24% in the good criteria and the average value of students 79,3 included in the criteria of completion. Based on the results of the validation, the physics teacher's assessment and the results of the LKPD trial, it can be concluded that the guided inquiry-based LKPD assisted by PhET simulation is feasible for use in the Dynamic Fluid learning process.

Author Biographies

Devi Safitri, State University of Medan

Physics Education

Juru Bahasa Sinuraya, Universitas Negeri Medan

Pendidikan Fisika


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