The relationship of parenting patterns for toddlers recipient of BLT (Direct Cash Assistance) with Nutritional Status in Tanjung Ibus Hinai Kiri Langkat Village


  • Anistya Tri Noveria Medan state university



The efforts to achieve good nutritional status in children under 5 years of age certainly cannot be separated from the monitoring and supervision of parents, especially mother. Mothers have an important role in childrens™s health in terms of providing food and parenting. The aim of this study was to know the relationship between mother™s parenting style and nutritional status of child at Desa Tanjung Ibus Hinai Kiri Langkat. This study used a cross-sectional design with a sample of 47 mothers who have children aged 12-59 months which taken using a purposive-sampling technique. Analysis of data was carried out using descriptive test and Rank-Spearman correlation test. The results of this study showed that 68,09% toodler are malnourished and 31,91% toddlers have normal nutrition. Parenting style based on mother™s parenting are mostly in less category is 70,21%. There is a significant relationship between maternal parenting ang nutritional status of toddlers with a correlation coefficient value is 0,704 (p=0,000).


