
  • Septiansyah Tanjung Graduate of the Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Rosmaida Sinaga Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan



Pangkalan Brandan, Perlis Village, Social History


This article discusses the social history of the Perlis Village community, Pangkalan Brandan in 1940-2004. The research method used is the historical method by utilizing written sources, such as travel reports, books, journals and maps. Oral information from locals and artifacts was also used as a source of writing. This study uses a social history approach that places society as the main study. The approach to social history is supported by the use of theories and concepts of social and cultural sciences. This study shows that Perlis was formed by various ethnic groups with the dominant role of immigrants from Perlis country, Malaya Peninsula, at the beginning of the formation of the community. The Malay ethnic community becomes the majority in Perlis with a livelihood as fishermen. The entry of Chinese in 1940, then followed by Javanese and Acehnese in 1960 added to the type of livelihood in Perlis. Population growth affects various economic sectors, from fisheries, livestock to agriculture. Perlis village is known for its various natural products, from fish, poultry to rice. Major changes occurred in 1990 to the beginning of 2000. The ethnic Chinese population urbanized and the paddy fields turned into oil palm plantations. This has an impact on the changing culture and traditions that are run by the residents of Perlis.

Author Biographies

Septiansyah Tanjung, Graduate of the Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan

Rosmaida Sinaga, Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan


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Wawancara dengan Arifin Ahmad di Desa Perlis, 11 April 2018.

Wawancara dengan Asnawi di Kampung Aceh (Desa Pelis), 24 April 2018.

Wawancara dengan Bapak Muhammad di Desa Perlis, 17 April 2018.

Wawancara dengan Bapak Rasman di Kampung Jawa (Desa Perlis), 23 April 2018.

Wawancara dengan Husin di Desa Perlis, 26 April 2018.

Wawancara dengan Ibrahim di Kampung Jawa (Desa Perlis), 23 April 2018.

Wawancara dengan Janil di Desa Perlis, 18 April 2018.

Wawancara dengan Ruslan Adek di Desa Perlis, 18 April 2018.

Wawancara dengan Safril di Desa Perlis, 18 April 2018.





