Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis : (1) pengetahuan peralatan patiseri siswa; (2) hasil belajar bakery siswa; (3) hubungan pengetahuan peralatan patiseri dengan hasil belajar bakery. Lokasi penelitian di SMK Swasta Pariwisata Imelda Medan. Waktu penelitian Februari “ April 2021. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI Jasa Boga. Teknik penentuan sampel menggunakan total sampling yaitu seluruh siswa kelas XI Jasa Boga 1 dan XI Jasa Boga 2 dengan jumlah 62 siswa. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif korelasional. Teknik pengumpuIan data pengetahuan peralatan patiseri menggunakan tes melalui google form dan hasil belajar bakery melalui dokumentasi nilai guru hasil praktek bakery. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan secara deskriptif data, uji kecenderungan, uji persyaratan analisis dengan uji normalitas, uji linieritas dan keberartian persamaan regresi, uji hipotesis dengan korelasi product moment. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecenderungan pengetahuan peralatan patiseri siswa termasuk kategori cenderung cukup sebesar 56,45 persen dan tingkat kecenderungan hasil belajar bakery siswa cenderung cukup sebesar 53,23 persen. Hasil uji normalitas variabel pengetahuan peraIatan patiseri siswa menunjukkan bahwa nilai X2hitung <X2tabel. (2,73<11,07) dan variabel hasil belajar bakery siswa menunjukkan X2hitung <X2tabel. (2,24<11,07) pada taraf signifikan 5 persen. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa data variabel pengetahuan peralatan patiseri dan hasil belajar bakery siswa berdistribusi normal. Hasil analisis korelasi product momentterdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan peralatan patiseri dengan hasil belajar bakery dengan rxy> rtabel (0,88> 0,25)pada taraf signifikan 5 persen. Artinya semakin tinggi pengetahuan peralatan patiseri maka semakin tinggi hasil belajar bakery. Nilai koefisien determinasi yang diperoleh sebesar 77,4 persen yang menunjukkan bahwa 77,4 persen hasil belajar bakery ditentukan oleh pengetahuan peralatan patiseri dan 22,6 persen ditentukan oleh variabellain diluar penelitian ini.Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Peralatan Patiseri, Hasil Belajar, Bakery ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze: (1) knowledge of students' patisserie equipment; (2) student bakery learning outcomes; (3) the relationship between knowledge of patties and bakery learning outcomes. The research location is at the SMK Pariwisata Imelda Medan. Research time is February “ April 2021. The population in this study is all students of class XI Jasa Boga. The sampling technique used was total sampling, namely all students of class XI Jasa Boga 1 and XI Jasa Boga 2 with a total of 62 students. The research design is correlational descriptive. Data collection techniques using tests via google form. The data analysis techniques used were descriptive data, trend test, analysis requirements test with normality test, linearity test and the significance of the regression equation, hypothesis testing with product moment correlation. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the level of tendency of students' knowledge of patisserie equipment including the category tended to be sufficient by 56,45 percent and the level of tendency of students' bakery learning outcomes tended to be sufficient at 53,23 percent. The results of the normality test of students' knowledge of patisserie equipment showed that the value of X2h <X2t (2,73 < 11,07) and the student's bakery learning outcome variable shows X2h <X2t (2,24 < 11,07) at a significant level of 5 percent. Thus it can be concluded that the variable data of knowledge of pastry equipment and bakery learning outcomes are normally distributed. The results of the product moment correlation analysis showed a significant relationship between knowledge of pastry equipment and bakery learning outcomes with an rxy value of 0,88. Then rxy is compared with r table product moment at a significant level of 5 percent, it is found that rxy > rtable (0,88 > 0,25). The value of the coefficient of determination obtained is 77,4 percent which indicates that 77,4 percent of bakery learning outcomes are determined by knowledge of pastry equipment and 22,6 percent is determined by other variables outside of this study. This means that the higher the knowledge of bakery equipment, the higher the bakery learning outcomes.Key Word : Knowledge, Patisserie Equipment, Learning Outcomes, BakeryReferences
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