Developing Reading Materials In Narrative Texts For Second Grade Students Of Fashion Design Department At SMK Negeri 8 Medan


  • Irda Silvia Sitepu Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Willem Saragih Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Rafika Dewi Nasution Universitas Negeri Medan



This study aims to develop reading materials needed for students at SMKN 8 Medan.The research was conducted by Research and Development (R & D) develop through six phases; gathering information and data, analyzing data, develop new materials, validating by experts, revising and final product. It was conducted at SMKN 8 Medan, especially grade XI. The data were gathered by administering interview to English teacher and distributing questionnaire to 27 students™ needs. The interview and questionnaire results prove that the students need English reading materials which contain the appropriate knowledge or topic with the Kemendikbud (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan), syllabus and students™ need. Thus, developing materials are narrative text, the narrative texts expose the texts about fashion which are adjacent with students™ need. The products have been validated by experts. The average scores are 4.6 or 92 % from English Lecturer and 4.75 or 95% or from English Teacher. It means the developing materials categorized as relevant or appropriate for students at SMN 8 Medan grade XI Keywords: Research and Development (R & D), Reading Materials, Vocational School, Fashion Design Program





