Suku Sakai Merebut Ruang Kebijakan Afirmatif


  • Otsby Okta Fernanda Jurusan Antropologi, Universitas Andalas
  • M. Rawa El Amady Pascasarjana Sosiologi, Universitas Riau
  • Yevita Nurti Jurusan Antropologi, Universitas Andalas



This study discussed the strategy of the Sakai Tribe in Pematang Pudu Duri Raiu Village in Duri to implementative of the affirmative space for the government and companies. The Sakai Tribe community in Pematang Pudu received an affirmative policy to grant for studies, integrated agriculture programs and local business development programs. Since the LBD (Local Business Development) program was run, local entrepreneurs grew from zero to 21 entrepreneurs, while all students and students received scholarships from companies and the Bengkalis district government. The novelty of this research was very strong because there has been no similar research and no research on indigenous peoples has shown success like this. The study used an ethnographic design, where the researcher stayed for 2 months in the field conducting involved observations and in-depth interviews. The data was validated by several informants, then analyzed qualitatively and written descriptively. The study found that the affirmative space process obtained by the Sakai Tribe in Pematang Pudu Village was a long effort and involved a wider network. The most concrete steps taken by the Sakai Tribe are the formation of the middle class through education, strengthening the Sakai identity, building several Sakai institutions and social movements such as demonstrations and lobbying efforts. This article contributes to political anthropology, especially in terms of efforts to affirmative policy. This article can be a best practice to be applied for indigenous peoples in Indonesia.Keywords: Affirmative Policy, Sakai Tribe, political anthropology.


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