Peran Istri dan Anak sebagai Tenaga Pencari Nafkah Sekunder bagi Keluarga Nelayan Pulau Salemo




This study aims to describe the economic life of fishermen who are very vulnerable to poverty so that they are required to continue to innovate in terms of finding additional funds to support their families, in the case of fishermen families on Salemo Island, fishermen families involve the role of wives and children as secondary breadwinners. This study uses qualitative research methods, using data collection techniques namely observation, interviews and literature study. The results showed that the role of wives and children in the fishermen's family economy is quite significant because they are able to help the main breadwinner (father) to support their family in the midst of a shortage of catch from the sea.Key words: fisherman, poverty, wife, children

Author Biography

Muhammad Kamil Jafar Nassa, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

S1 AntropologiS2 Antropologi



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