The Influence of Classroom Management in Improving the Quality of Classroom Learning
The purpose of this research is to find out, analyze and explain about classroom management influence increase the effectiveness of leraning. This research design uses literature study / literature study. The research data were collected through text review and then analyzed using content analysis techniques. The steps are. First, the data that has been collected is classified based on the problem being studied. Second, the data that were studied were qualitatively analyzed using content analysis. Third, based on the results of the analysis and interpretation of the data, the writer draws conclusions which are equipped with suggestions. The results of the study show that the classroom management strategy carried out by teachers can increase the effectiveness of learning and produce good performance. Good classroom management is carried out by the teacher by applying a conducive environment, motivating students, varied learning, structuring learning hours arrangements and the work ethic shown by the teacher which can increase the effectiveness of learning in the classroom.References
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