Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Learning Cycle dan Problem Based Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Ekosistem


  • Masni Veronika Situmorang SMP Swasta Methodist Pematangsiantar, Kotamadya Pematangsiantar, Sumatera Utara



This research was conducted in class 7th SMP Swasta Methodist Pematangsiantar which aims to determine: The effect of learning model (Learning Cycle, Problem Based Learning, and Konvensional) on student™s learning outcomes in ecosystem material. The population in this study amounted four classes and otherwise being research sample was as much as three classes, 7th-A as class with Problem Based Learning, 7th- B as class with Learning Cycle, and 7th-C as class with Konvensional. The data collection instrument by using: Test student™s learning outcomes in the form of the 30 multiple-choice items. This research method is quasi experiment with data analysis technique using Anacova Test and Anova 2 lines with a significance level α = 0,05. The result of this research found that: There is an effect of learning model (Learning Cycle, Problem Based Learning, and Konvensional) on student™s learning outcomes in ecosystem material, where a group of student who learned wih Learning Cycle 74,95±11,386, Problem Based Learning  81,33±10,23, and Konvensional 68,19±10,24, with Fcount = 13,280; p = 0,000 and significance level α = 0,05.


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