Development Of Lichens Nontext Book As A Research-Based Bioindicator Of Air Pollution In Medan City


  • Damayani Panggabean Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Ashar Hasairin Biology Department, Postgraduate State University of Medan, Medan Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr. V Medan Estate, Medan, Indonesia, 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia
  • Hasruddin Hasruddin Biology Department, Postgraduate State University of Medan, Medan Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr. V Medan Estate, Medan, Indonesia, 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia



Bioindicators, Development, Lichens, Non-Textbooks, Research.


There are very few books of Lichens as a bioindicator of air pollution in the city of Medan, so the purpose of this study is to develop a non-textbook about Lichens as a research-based bioindicator of air pollution in the city of Medan. This type of research used Research and Development 4D Thiagarajan. The method used in this research is the book feasibility test, N-Gain, and t-test. The validated book results are 88% (material aspect is very feasible), 82% (language aspect is very feasible category) and 83% (graphic aspect is very feasible category). The results of the product trial showed that the test results obtained were 87% (the individual aspect was in the very feasible category), 82% (the small group was in the very feasible category) and 85% (the limited group was very feasible category). The non-text book was then tested for the effectiveness of its use on 28 students, it was obtained 0.84 with a percentage of 80% (effective) and the general public as many as 25 high school teachers, it obtained 0.93 with a percentage of 93% (effective). The t-test results obtained tcount> ttable, namely, 9.096> 1.703 for the cognitive abilities of students majoring in Biology at the State University of Medan, and the ttest results obtained tcount> ttable namely, 8.345> 1.729 for general public cognitive, it can be concluded that the results of the t-test are obtained significantly, and non-text books have an effect on improving cognitive abilities of students and the general public, with α = 0.05.


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