Measurement of student mental workload during online learning using Continuous Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (C-SWAT)
The covid-19 pandemic have effect in Indonesia both financial and non-financial sector include education. There is new habit on education system such as online learning. Since online learning student use gadget/computer to learn. Using gadget in high frequencies may cause effect. This research to measure mental workload of student during online learning in Mechanical Engineering Education Department. Mental effort is measured use continuous subjective workload assessment technique. Continuous subjective workload assessment technique (C-SWAT) is simplify of subjective workload assessment technique. In continuous subjective workload assessment technique, participant is asked dimension that participant prefer, after that participant is asked to do simple arithmetic test. Dimensions are time load, mental effort and psychology-effort. This research use minimum weight of 0 (W0) with weight used is 1/3. Moreover, there is questionnaire to know study interest of participant during online learning. In this research mental effort load is the second highest score, the first highest score is psychology stress effort. Multiplication test is high score than other arithmetic test. During online school student have fatigue, most of them feel eyestrain and body sore. Student prefer synchronous learning type than a-synchronous learning it™s because in synchronous learning student can discus with teacher directly.References
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