Design and development of water condition measurement in soil using a capacitive based sensor


  • Siti Balqis Dongoran Departement of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar, Psr. V, Medan, 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia
  • Juniastel Rajagukguk Departement of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar, Psr. V, Medan, 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia



AUKAK is a soil moisture detector using a capacitive-based sensor on a parallel plate. The dielectric material used was soil with three different water content estimates. The main components contained in the device consist of an adapter as an electric current converter, Arduino nano as a signal reader, a moisture module as a voltage reader, and a capacitive plate sensor parallel to the signal catcher. Before AUKAK was designed, the sensor capacitance value was tested using an LCR meter. Dielectric materials used in sensor testing are water, air, and salt solution. This is done because the three substances have known dielectric constants. As for the accuracy and accuracy of AUKAK, when compared to moisturemeter the value reaches 90%.


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